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With a range of SCUBA certification courses in Fort Lauderdale, we aim to meet your needs. Take a look at our course offerings and let us know what certifications you'd like to sign up for.

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SCUBA Certifications in Fort Lauderdale:

Open Water Diver
Advanced Open Water Diver
Scuba Refresher Course

In addition to Open Water and Advanced Diver courses, other specialty courses are available upon request. These include: Rescue, Dive Master, Nitrox, Photographer, Night, and many others.

Please contact the Fort Lauderdale store for details



Open Water Diver Course

Call for Pricing (1 classroom session, 4 dives)

*Includes: All course material, rental scuba gear**, C-card, pool sessions, and dives.

**Students are responsible for their own mask, snorkel, fins, wetsuit (optional), and surface marker buoy. Once you sign up for a class you’ll receive 10% off any gear*** you buy during your class.

***Some exclusions apply.


  • Interact with an instructor
  • Learn with other students
  • Meet future dive buddies


  • Flexible schedule
  • Learn from anywhere
  • Review modules before getting certified

Becoming an Open Water Diver will introduce you to the world of scuba diving. In just two weeks, Divers Direct in Fort Lauderdale will teach you everything you need to know to safely and confidently scuba dive to 60ft (18m).

You will learn the following skills in the Open Water Diver Course from Divers Direct:

  • How to properly use basic scuba gear which includes mask, snorkel, fins, wetsuit, regulator, octopus, first stage, dive computer, buoyancy control device (BCD), and scuba tank
  • How to set-up, break down, and rinse your scuba gear
  • How to perform a thorough buddy check
  • How to enter and exit the water
  • How to remove water from your mask while underwater
  • How to control your buoyancy
  • Basic underwater navigation
  • Safety and emergency procedures
  • Dive boat etiquette

After studying the modules your instructor assigns, you'll practice essential skills in a supervised pool session. It's where you'll take your first breath underwater!

The next day is one you'll remember for the rest of your life: Your first dive in the open ocean. Your dive instructor will take you to a shallow reef where you will use the skills you practiced in the pool.

You will officially be an Open Water Scuba Diver when you complete each skill successfully and pass the exit exam.

Please contact the Fort Lauderdale store for details



Advanced Open Water Diver

Call for Current Pricing

*Price Includes: All course material, rental scuba gear**, C-card, pool sessions and boat trip(s).

**Students are responsible for their own mask, snorkel, fins, wetsuit (optional), and surface marker buoy. Once you sign up for a class you’ll receive 10% off any gear*** you buy during your class.

***Some exclusions apply.

Begin your Advanced Adventurer program today

If you cannot decide which specialty programs are the best choice for you, join the SSI Advanced Adventurer program! With this program, you can try a variety of specialties before committing to full specialty programs. It is a great way to experience what advanced diver training is all about and how valuable it can be to your diving adventures. 

During the Advanced Adventurer Program, you will try out 5 different specialties. You will complete one open water training dive per specialty after a comprehensive briefing with your SSI Instructor. 

With this trial program in specialty diving, you will have total freedom to explore. You can complete the full specialty programs any time in the future and credit your Advanced Adventurer training towards them. The Advanced Open Water Course will broaden your scuba diving opportunities, allowing you to dive to depths up to 100ft/30m.

The Advanced Open Water Course can be completed safely in a single weekend.

For the AOW course, students will need to purchase:

  • 3 lights (tank, primary, secondary lights)
  • SMB
  • Reel

Please contact the Fort Lauderdale store for details



Scuba Refresher Course (OW)

Call for Pricing

*Course Includes: All course material, rental scuba gear**, C-card, pool sessions, and boat trip(s).

**Students are responsible for their own mask, snorkel, fins, wetsuit (optional), and surface marker buoy. Once you sign up for a class you’ll receive 10% off any gear*** you buy during your class.

***Some exclusions apply.

If any of the below statements represent you, it's strongly recommended you take the Divers Direct Scuba Refresher Course:

  • You can't find your C-card, but have proof of certification
  • It has been more than six months since your last dive
  • The thought of setting up your gear makes you nervous
  • You can't recall if the snorkel goes on the left or right side of your mask

The Scuba Refresher Course from Divers Direct is the perfect way to bring your scuba skills to the forefront of your mind. The course will cover Open Water topics that will rebuild the confidence you need to jump back in and breathe underwater again.

Please contact the Fort Lauderdale store for details



Common Q&As About OW Diving:

Q: How old do my children have to be to get certified? Am I too old?
A: The certifying agencies require students be at least 10 years old to obtain OW certification. There is no maximum age on certifications but you must be physically fit and healthy enough to dive with a medical questionnaire completed by a doctor.

Q: How deep can I go with an OW certification?
A: 60ft 18m with OW and 100ft 30m with advanced OW.

Q: Do I need to renew my certification periodically?
A: Your certification never expires but it is highly suggested a refresher course is taken if it has been longer than 6 months since your last dive.

Please contact the Fort Lauderdale store for details

